November 20, 2011

Still Trying To Figure Out That Hum Triangle N.

Adam Jensen is a murderer. There, I said it. He’s a complete sociopath asshole. I loved every minute of playing as him. People would accuse of him being just that, and I would just nod my head, and then shoot them. Yep. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is an amazing game. It’s flawed in a lot […]

November 19, 2011

How I Make A Character, Something I Probably Do Wrong.

A friend of mine has started up an Ironclaw campaign that he wants me in on. I’d love to, though my schedule is shitty! He’s working things out to have me there, though, so I am ALL IN. Or something like that. The system seems fine enough, as far as RPGs go. The rolling doesn’t […]

November 18, 2011

Rapid-Fire Crossbow Action!

There is but one universal truth in the world. Orcs Must Die. Apparently. Because I am like the only person not sick to death of Tower Defense games and their spin-offs, I watched the Quick Look for Orcs Must Die and was really intrigued. It looked extremely fast-paced, like fun arcade times! So I splurged […]

November 17, 2011

Poetry Scribble: Invisibility Poetry!

I guess I am following a certain kitten’s advice and making this an every Thursday thing now? In any case, here’s a prose poem. The Power of Invisibility One minute you are seen by those who hate you and the next you are hidden from those who love you. Hugs and bullet kisses fly through […]

November 16, 2011

Dream Journal: Dying Is Apparently Traumatic.

For a dream that spawned such vivid emotion, it sure did start out stupid. Anyway, here, let me tell you about it, I suppose! I was with Essner in a mall, but it was not a normal mall. Every single “store” in the mall was actually a fancy restaurant/comedy club. There was basically every kind […]

November 15, 2011

A Suspicious Lack of Content

I went on and on about how I wanted to write a normal blog and then the next day I wrote a LINKBLOG! SICK BURN! I am just burning you up ALL OVER! Linking go! Let’s start with Pony Corner! Have I mentioned I am still excited for Fighting is Magic? So, so excited. The […]

November 14, 2011

The Fate Of Poetry Blogs

I ended the week of poetry. If you came here for a poem: TOO BAD. No poem for you! Ha, totally burned. But seriously, that was an interesting experiment for me. It felt… nice. I really did feel that compulsion to write like I feel the compulsion to write these blogs every day, and I […]

November 13, 2011

Poetry Scribble: I Hate Sestinas And Also Calendars Apparently Poetry!

It’s the final day of poetry week! I made myself write a sestina, probably because I hate myself. Enjoy! Calendar Application Reaching down, I check the screen, seeing when I need to be gone, away from this place, on time, to my appointments happening then. It’s a complicated list and I am unable, sometimes, to […]

November 12, 2011

Poetry Scribble: Irradiated Horiculture Poetry!

Only one more poem left after this! But that’s in the future! For now, here’s a poem about a tree. Nature poetry! ALL OF THE GENRES, amirite? Atomic Bonsai Hidden beneath ceramic pot lurks a terrible power. Throbbing, thickening, as it curls through the available soil. Trunks, limbs, spastic surge forth from underneath, becoming green […]

November 11, 2011

Poetry Scribble: Bad Decision Making Poetry!

It’s poem day! (Like every day this week!) This poem is about… well, you figure it out. Maybe you’ll know. Failure to Adapt It always starts as a good idea. Genius, really, a thought of kings, balancing a crown atop curvy cloud bubbles, the sort of thought that injects straight into your face until you […]