November 13, 2011

Poetry Scribble: I Hate Sestinas And Also Calendars Apparently Poetry!

It’s the final day of poetry week! I made myself write a sestina, probably because I hate myself. Enjoy!

Calendar Application

Reaching down, I check the screen,
seeing when I need to be gone,
away from this place, on time,
to my appointments happening then.
It’s a complicated list and I
am unable, sometimes, to comprehend.

I’ve no time allotted to comprehend
as it clearly blinks on the screen.
The day moves quickly, ahead, and I
manage to breathe before it’s gone.
The air bounces around inside, then
escapes, too quickly, on it’s own time.

You see, every action requires time
burning inside to make muscles comprehend
so they can push you forward and then
the miasma of tasks on the screen
can be completed, crossed off, gone.
Clicking, typing, erasing the last, I

feel momentary freedom, but, still, I
know that even if I feel done this time,
my daily grind will never truly be gone.
The minute voice I don’t comprehend,
attempting to distract me from the screen
and all the work being added then,

will whisper in silence, then
grow louder into a rumbling shout and I
will finally put my fist through the screen,
electric jolts making me shiver as time
for a moment, breaks, and I comprehend
the meaning of my schedule being gone.

My focus, ambition, lifeblood is gone.
While freedom brings smiles now and then,
an open life is hard to completely comprehend.
I sit here, unmoving, while I
listen to tick marks, counting time
and staring at shattered, fragmented screen.

The craving to comprehend is gone.
I shouldn’t fight the screen then?
I must embrace, but focus, this time.

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