June 20, 2009

Utilizing Wal-Mart’s cheap Draft Packs.

So Wal-Mart sells “draft packs.” It is three “random” boosters of Magic hidden behind a Foil land, so you can’t see what you’re getting. They are 11 dollars. Buying three packs alone would probably be at least 13. So, you know, a little discount, mixed with not having to run all over town to find […]

June 19, 2009

Terror at the Workplace!

I was working at my job. You know, the one that I have to earn money? Yeah, that one. So I was working there, changing all the jewelry signs because I promised Krista I would, so I’m doing that, and then I feel kind of squirmy-itchy around my stomach region. And I’m like “hey, okay, […]

June 18, 2009

The number of times I’ve killed myself by hitting myself with a rock is embarrassing.

Recently, in searching for a podcast-friendly game (because I so often need those) I’ve been playing Spelunky. I had installed it a long time ago, played like three lives, said “that’s cool” and then put it down. Then I was cleaning up my desktop, and wanted to move the folder I had it installed in […]

June 17, 2009


I am currently in bed on my lappy. I am trying to help my back recover. Why? Gods, I don’t know, but my back is in extreme pain. I bent down to pick up the bag containing Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Which has been nothing but awesome so far. Expect a full write-up later, but […]

June 16, 2009

On Difficulty.

Okay, so I’m going to attempt to make a point about vidjeo gamez. Stand back. Difficulty in video games. On one paw, you have things like this. Horrible, awful things that only exist to be hard and, potentially, drain your will to live. On the other, you have things, perhaps, like this, where perhaps the […]

June 15, 2009

I’ve wanted to play Rock Your Socks the whole time, but it’s still locked.

Rock Band Unplugged has a bad rap, I think. It’s gotten mediocre reviews, and I’m not hearing about a lot of people playing it. That’s a shame, because it is pretty damn good. Basically, take Amplitude. You remove the techno music, reduce the number of tracks down to four. To compensate for this (since Amplitude […]

June 14, 2009

The negative connotations to “transient” really help sell the feel of the comic.

This manga is very good. I wish it were officially translated, so I could give them lots of money. I like Shojo manga. I mean, I do. Granted, I’m past the point where I will read most everything, much like I’m pass the point where I’ll enjoy just about any Shonen manga… though fun, especially […]

June 13, 2009

We will return to regularly scheduled non-depressing rambling tommorow.

I tell myself again and again that I’m okay. That things are fine. Almost going my way, even. I go out, I do what I need to do, I play games, I have fun, I make money. I’m good. And then something, a little something, sets me off. It’s a comic, this time, and it’s […]

June 12, 2009

Here’s the Neighborly Situation

So our next door neighbor has had these No Tresspassing signs up for awhile now. They’re plastered like… all over the house. I didn’t think too much of it, especially after the time where my car got robbed just sitting in the driveway. That could make anyone want to try something to keep yourself a […]

June 11, 2009

How much Peasy is really required, though?

So, the netbook, ehhhhh? How’s that going for me? It’s all installed, upgraded, and named. (It’s Mokona-chan, to go with my main PC, which is named Yuuko-san. I am so lame.) I’ve been using it for awhile. I quite like Easy Peasy. Instead of a normal desktop, it’s basically just a series of big icons […]