June 17, 2009


I am currently in bed on my lappy. I am trying to help my back recover. Why?

Gods, I don’t know, but my back is in extreme pain.

I bent down to pick up the bag containing Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Which has been nothing but awesome so far. Expect a full write-up later, but if you’re excited about the idea of the game, it’s worth your time.) as I got out my car, and then BAM. Intense back pain.Overwhelming. And now I can’t really bend over or anything.

Of course, after like a week of no work, this decides to happen during the day when I have to work. Heh.

This pain is pretty well identical to the horrible pain I got from lifting heavy things to help my brother move in. Only, of course, that’s a reason that makes sense. I lifted too much and threw out my back. But now, I guess, it’s come back? It wasn’t totally healed? I mean, I guess it did take quite a long time to heal last time. I guess it’s a permanent issue. Horrible. Unfortunate.

Of course, a lot of this comes down to how I deal with pain, which is, I normally just ignore it. Headache? Ignored, and I continue with whatever as my head pounds. Ankle aching and I’m limping? I’m certainly going to keep walking around and aren’t going to let it affect my plans. And hell, I carried a lot of heavy objects while my back was fucked up last time.
I guess, at some level it’s because I deserve pain. But I also think it’s sort of an inherent hate of my body. It deserves to ache and limp. Fuck that thing. It’s all wrong anyway.

But I need to take care of myself better… I should really stop that…
So I stopped playing Ghostbusters, and here I am. In bed.
I hope you’re happy, body.

Clearly the video game was made out of lead. Or depleted uranium. Always lift with your legs, even if it’s a feather!

More seriously, I can totally relate… I spent the last few days recovering from a tweaked back that was apparently caused by… not sitting up straight.

You might have just twisted something, but I’ve found that the back is really touchy about stuff and it never really heals properly. Your back isn’t better, it’s just taking a break between bouts of screaming pain.

Comment by Cris — June 17, 2009 @ 12:38 am

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