November 2, 2010

No, See, I Got The Key

I believe I mentioned that I never actually dress up for Halloween. I always get some ideas or something, and then never follow through because of busyness or laziness.

However, I had a Halloween party to go to, at my brother’s house. I was thinking it might be nice to dress up.
Then I had a dumb idea.
Because of this recent comic by one Phillip Armstrong, Phanto was in my head. I got to thinking, “You know, with a little effort, I could create some sort of shitty Phanto mask to chase me around.” I threw the idea at Brer, and he got a chuckle. “Okay then,” I said, “Fuck it, I’m doing it.”

I doodled Phanto heads on some paper, and taped them to bits of an Amazon box that was sitting in the room. Then, with a gigantic roll of duct tape, I attached the head to one end of a hangar, and the other to a belt, and used massive amounts of duct tape, and additional cardboard, to create a shitty harness system so that Phanto would float behind me. It didn’t work perfectly, and of course, when wearing the thing, I couldn’t, say, sit down. But it was something. I took the big key by our door, to give Phanto a reason to chase me, and went to the party.

Of course, when I got to the party, nobody knew what Phanto was. Well, a few did, but were still confused. I guess it was more of a strange concept, seeing as I wasn’t dressed as any of the cast of Mario 2. But hey, I made more of a Halloween effort than I have in years, so I’m calling it a win. Something like a win. Yeah.

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