March 11, 2009

Basic Functionality is Basic.

What operating system do games run in? Answer: Microsoft Windows. What mode should ALL games run in? Answer: WINDOWED MODE. Because it’s running in WINDOWS. I really can’t get over this. Why in the world don’t developers do this? I’m fine with things not defaulting that way, but not having the option is just retarded. […]

March 10, 2009

It’s Chr…Festivus!

Yay! Merry Festivus! So, I get home from my classes today to find a mysterious box! Normally, I get boxes all the time. Even more often, now that I have Amazon Prime! This box, however, was different. It was from Fed Ex, for one. My boxes normally come through the normal mail or from the […]

March 9, 2009

Blue Dick? Check.

Watchmen has penis. Standing outside the movie theater, I announced that I would be very, very disappointed if I did not get to see some blue Doc Manhattan dick. I was far from disappointed with the movie based on that criteria. It’s a damn good thing that movies are growing up to the point where […]

March 8, 2009

It is a Computor!

So! I built a computer! Hurrah! I told you I was going to, didn’t I? And dammit, I did. And I was much less frustrated putting the thing together. It all worked like clockwork, hardware-wise. I made it all happen without any frustration. I guess I did learn something from my expletive-inducing experience building Jonathan’s […]

March 7, 2009

Bondage has always been fun, but in game form? Better.

So those Tyrants who write for 1up are calling Zen Bound THE game for the iPhone. I don’t know if I would go quite that far? I kinda doubt it’s going to define the iPhone and iPod Touch game space. But one thing is for sure: it is a DAMN good game, worth every bit […]

March 6, 2009

Why the iTouch was a much better choice for me.

So, instead of doing my homework, I was playing around with my iPod. (Shut up, I was tired, and in need of relaxation. I have time to get things done still.) I was enjoying Zen Bound, a game I’ll probably write up in a day or two. So I’m playing that for an hour or […]

March 5, 2009

People on the internet are dicks.

So, in order to upgrade my computer (which is happening Friday. Wish me luck.) I have to save and backup all my shit, and so on and so forth. Makes sense. One of the things I have to back up is my password vault. See, back in the day, someone got one of my passwords […]

March 4, 2009

X-Treme Motorbike Skillz

So, last weekendish, Steam had one of its many sales. This was a “Indie Games” pack. It was a whole bunch of Indie Games for 10 dollars. In this pack was the PC version of Eets, which I paid 10 dollars for by itself on the 360 and thought it worth every penny. It was […]

March 3, 2009

I guess it’s about 9/11 or something? I dunno.

So, the latest book in my “I suppose I best read these books so I get an A in my novel class” reading series was Pattern Recognition by William Gibson. He’s like… a cyberpunk guy, right? Well, this wasn’t a cyberpunk novel. This was the first of many little letdowns from me reading the novel. […]

March 2, 2009

Purchase “Guilt”

So, I just worked 3 extra hours today. I didn’t really want to, and they were kinda sucky hours, because I was lifting dirty boxes for all of them, and then some. During this shift, I got asked to come in tomorrow, my day off, and I said sure. This means I have to work […]