March 9, 2009

Blue Dick? Check.

Watchmen has penis.

Standing outside the movie theater, I announced that I would be very, very disappointed if I did not get to see some blue Doc Manhattan dick. I was far from disappointed with the movie based on that criteria.
It’s a damn good thing that movies are growing up to the point where I can go to a theater and see full male nudity, even if it’s CGI male nudity. Not that the movie was particularly sexy or anything, but I dunno. We have such stupid taboos on things sometimes. I’m glad people can push the envelope and show me some dick if it’s appropriate. And I think it was appropriate.

Still, what did I think of the movie overall? It was pretty good in general. I think it looked visually stunning, but you should have been expecting that if you saw the trailers. The acting wasn’t TOO horrible, although it wasn’t perfect. I think that’s just what you get for getting people nobody recognizes in there in order to make them look perfectly like the characters. But there’s nothing wrong with that.

The soundtrack was… odd. It was desperately trying to invoke the time period in which the movie is set as opposed to matching the movie in parts? It was kind of weird in that respect, though I can accept that kind of attempt, you know?
It was especially bad during the long, drawn out sex scene where it was playing Alleluia while two people fucked very graphically. It was horrible. And that whole scene was horrible. It seemed pasted in there JUST to be an apology for showing so much penis “so hey, here’s a naked woman. That makes it better, right?” It was so lame. I mean, there were earlier sex scenes, but they served a purpose. The sex scene with Doc Manhattan sets up his character. The earlier, fumbling sex scene with Nite Owl shows how different he was from the Doc, but that he was still appealing because he was human. The last one was just… ugh.

There was a lot of very graphic violence, too. I had to look away from the screen at several points. This I have less problem with. It mostly looked cool, and it served a point: to show how, you know, dirty and imperfect this superhero world was. I can dig it.

I do have to wonder why the fuck the ending was changed, though. There didn’t seem to be much reason for it. It seemed to be there just to create controversy and make people angry instead of making a good film. Apparently, though, I’ve been told I forgot how the comic actually ends, and that some things I thought were added were not actually added. So maybe I’m just missing something. But the comic ended so perfectly, I really have no idea why you’d touch ANYTHING, and things were touched. Oh yes.

It doesn’t really ruin the movie, though? It’s still worth seeing, just to see all of these characters on screen so pretty and competent. But it does keep it from being, I dunno, perfect? Totally awesome? The movie is long as just kind of there, for the most part. I didn’t leave energized, or excited. It was just a decent movie.
That’s about all I have to say about it.

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