December 16, 2009

Novelty Twitter Feeds are Novel.

As a twitter user, I follow tweets from people. A lot of these people are internet personalities I like, or people on Talking Time, or even some people I know in real life. However, every once and awhile, a novelty twitter feed comes along that is so consistently entertaining, I must follow it, and laugh all the time. I will show you two now.

Brer recently showed me Friend_Computer, and it is pretty completely awesome. If there is anything I always wanted, it is a twitter feed direct from Alpha Complex, where I can interface directly with the most helpful friend I have, the computer! It answers questions helpfully! It provides useful information! What more could one ask for from our friend, the computer! I love you, Friend Computer! It’s a tweetfeed in its early stages, but I am already smiling at it.

The best one, by far, though, is Fake AP Stylebook. I am a complete nerd for such things, I know, because it directly affects the work I do. But man, it is so funny so often. There is nothing quite like editing jokes to brighten one’s day, let me tell you. Here are just a few samples of recent useful information. Follow it. Love it. Use it. Well, if you’re using AP Style in your publications, anyway.

Yeah, hopefully those feeds can brighten your day just a little. Laugh and be merry! It’s, you know, December and all. That’s what people do in December, right?


Comment by Cris — December 16, 2009 @ 2:00 am

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