December 9, 2009

This bullshit has gone beyond what is acceptable.

I got up Tuesday morning, and got ready to get to the office and work, etc. When I come downstairs, I learn that, Monday night while I was working, my crazy neighbor apparently threatened to shoot my brother.


It was bad enough when he was threatening non-existent “kids” who were doing non-real acts of vandalism on his house. That caused him to do things like shoot his gun off in the middle of the night and prowl around in a frightening fashion. That was bad enough. Now, apparently, my parents are going to meet my brother at his car and walk him into the house every time he comes home. All because my neighbor thinks that he stole his paper “No Trespassing” sign, which is just a ridiculously stupid charge. All he’s been doing is getting engaged. (congrats on that officially on the blog, by the way. I should write a post about that too) He’s not pulling that kind of childish prank. And now he’s been called out specifically and we’ve been warned that he is “allowed to use his gun.”

That has crossed a motherfucking line.

There is just no excuse for us feeling so unsafe in our own home. If it were up to me, I’d be calling the police right now. However, since it isn’t just my decision, and it would completely affect my parents, probably more than me, I’m not. I’ve voiced this position. They’re worried that the retaliation for such a move would be worse than having to do this stuff, and that’s probably true.

Just… what the fuck. Why is this kind of thing happening around here? It frustrates me so much that there’s no easy solution to this situation that we should never have been in.

I dunno… the neighbor has issued a threat, and a threat that you feel is credible (as opposed to, say, “I’ll nuke you!”). In most jurisdictions, that counts as assault and is a felony. It sounds like this neighbor is seriously disturbed and is, quite clearly, a danger to himself and others.

I would call the police.

Besides, isn’t discharging a firearm in town against the law?

Comment by Cris — December 9, 2009 @ 2:23 am

Maybe when your mom was “gardening” behind her Jeep, she was actually “scouting” behind some cover. Was she using her P90, did she have thermal optics?

Comment by piman — December 9, 2009 @ 10:24 am

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