November 3, 2009

Seriously, it was such a great idea.

So everything you’ve heard about Scribblenauts? All of it is pretty well true. You can make God fight Cthulhu and a Giant Squid. You can create just about anything you can think of, and have it do something. Everything looks all scribbly and neat. There’s all these puzzles.

You also can’t control any of it worth shit.

Seriously, who the hell put all this work into this game, making all the items work, rolling with the idea, and then made it control like ass? You have to do everything with the touch screen. Everything. That means any time you tap on something you may be 1. Moving Maxwell, the character you control 2. Firing a gun or attacking 3. Picking something up or 4. Moving an object around the environment. If you need to do one of these in particular, like, say, attacking the person who is about to kill Maxwell, good luck! The game just guesses what you want to do, so Maxwell might just bound forward into danger, or off a cliff, even if you have wings or a jetpack, because it didn’t realize you wanted to fly over the gap, it just assumed you wanted to jump into it.


Seriously, I wanted to like this game so bad. But when I have to replay a level multiple times not because I couldn’t solve it, as I came up with a solution on the first try, but because the game’s controls cause me to fuck my solution up again and again? Well, then I get angry and unhappy.

I’m very glad I rented this game. It’s worth doing that, just to fuck around with for awhile, but man, it just does not have any staying power at all. Maybe in the sequel they’ll make it control worth shit. Then it might be something to look forward to.

[…] I wasn’t a huge fan of Scribblenauts on DS. It controlled completely and utterly like ass. It was a pain to play, so much so that I […]

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