September 24, 2009

This whole “morning person” routine is taking some getting used to.

I keep waking up earlier and earlier.

This is kind of distressing, as I’m probably not getting enough sleep as it is. Scratch that, I know I’m not getting enough sleep. So its probably a bad thing that my get up time is slowly creeping farther and farther into the morning. When I went to the office, the sun used to be out. Not so much anymore.

The bad thing is, I keep taking advantage of it. I keep going to the office and working, trying to get things done. This is good, in that I’m getting stuff done. Exciting! However, it’s bad, because it’s programming my internal clock to go ahead and keep waking me up earlier and earlier.

Today I got up at 5 AM. The day before it was 5:30. Soon, I’ll be getting up before I actually go to bed. That’ll be exciting, surely.

I don’t know. At some point I’ll just kind of collapse and sleep, I’m sure. Catch up. But man, it’s so weird being up so early. There is so much fucking time in a day you just don’t know about, you know? Or at least you don’t know about when your day starts at noon. So strange to get home, having done all my work for the day, and in the past, I wouldn’t even have been awake by that time.

I don’t know. I think I’m taking to this morning person stuff kind of well, but I don’t know.
Don’t know.

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