September 21, 2009

None of the colors on the icon are “Chrome.”

So there’s a computer in my office up at school, and when I got it, it had been wiped, all fresh and clean for me. This meant I had the “only Internet Explorer” issue. So, of course, the first order of business is to get another browser up ins, stat.

Normally, of course, you go for Firefox. It’s natural. But I saw here an opportunity. The fact that some people tried Google Chrome, and stuck with it, made me interested. I’m too used to my setup at home. It seemed unlikely that my Flock/Firefox double team would ever change on my home computer. The office computer, however, was a clean slate. I didn’t really have any preset ideas about what should be on there. So I said, “what the hell, it’s at least better than IE. I should try it.” So I did.

Honestly, I’m fairly impressed. The main feature everyone was touting about Chrome was that it loads up pages fast, and they weren’t kidding. Even on the old-ish PC in my office with it’s substandard net connection, it pops up pages really fast. It’s pretty nice in that regard.
I also really enjoyed the page you get when you open the browser, that has little pictures of your most visited websites and you can just click on them to go right there. That is actually really useful. It is bookmarks without the need for bookmarks, and I rather like it. From what I understand, Safari has a feature like that? But fuck Safari. Ever since Apple forced Safari on people from the iTunes updater, I decided I shall never use that thing. (Mobile Safari, though? Less. Than. Three.) So if that’s something you would like, Chrome is great. I could actually see my mom really liking that feature.

Otherwise, it didn’t really seem to do anything out of the ordinary. Searching from the address bar is… okay, I guess? It doesn’t really change how you use it much, you just type it into there instead of into the Google search slot on any other browser. The tabs were functional and sufficient. I didn’t notice any problems with it rendering anything.

Anyway, I’m pretty happy with it. I’m not sure it’s going to become anyone’s main browser. It doesn’t have the features that someone really digs into on a Firefox, with its add-ons. However, for something like my office computer, it’s great. It runs really fast, and gets the job done with no issues at all. It really seems like a great “quick search” or “quick skim” kind of browser, and certainly makes me wonder how good it is on Android. I plan on sticking with it. It’s good stuff.

Oh yes, it has become a decent amount of people’s main choice of browser. My apartment mate uses it as his main, so. It has almost…10% market share? I think?

“Searching from the address bar is… okay, I guess? It doesn’t really change how you use it much, you just type it into there instead of into the Google search slot on any other browser.”

Firefox has this too. It’s relatively nice for being lazier.

Chrome’s slated to get add-ons too. Not sure when, cause I’m not a hardcore browser fanatic.

Comment by ManaTree — September 21, 2009 @ 3:36 am

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