September 13, 2009

Apparently you can’t use the Lips mics for online voice chat, though.

This is the beginning of what is probably like all kinds of posts about Beatles: Rock Band. Because, hell, I dunno. I’ve got many things to say about the game. And things around the game. Yes.

Anyway, on Thursday I spent over 80 dollars on microphones.
Well, okay, only 50 dollars of that was on Microphones. The rest was on a mic stand. And a fox doll. That last one having little to do with Beatles: Rock Band, but damn, it was right there, in front of the checkout, and I NEVER pass up buying fox plushies and whatnot whenever I see them. I am a simple creature like that.

In any case, way too much money on microphones.

But dammit, the harmony is by far the most exciting part of the game! I sing. I do nothing but sing in these games. And throwing the Harmonies in there just gives me something completely different to work on. It’s a serious challenge, but so far, it’s been BEYOND satisfying when I actually land a harmony perfectly. It feels so good.

So I got enough mics so that I can always do the harmonies. And then I got a Mic stand, so I could harmonize while I play guitar.

That’s something I never really had a want to do with Rock Band 2 and Rock Band. Playing the guitar and singing had no appeal. I’d just do both shittily. But I always want to try the harmonies when I’m playing guitar, automagically. Now that I can, I so, so want to do it. I’ve already tried it with Mom singing lead vocals, and it just worked so well. I can’t go back! I can’t go back.

Rock Band 3 better have vocal harmony. That’s all I’m saying.
It better.

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