September 11, 2009

Mealtime Changetimes

So, I am not a person who normally eats breakfasts. After that stint of time when I was just kind refusing to really eat anything, I told myself “Okay, fine, self. We’ll eat. But we’re only going to do it when hungry, and try to keep it to a minimum.”
That hasn’t totally held up. I snack and whatnot. But I certainly try to keep actual meals to a minimum. Preferably one big one and a snack, but most of the time it gets down to two meals. Those two meals tend to be lunch and dinner. These tend to be the ones I keep up with and do because they’re much more likely to be social situations, and that’s kind of the one rule I always follow: Always eat in a social situation if the option is given to you. So, you know, it makes sense those would be common.

Suddenly, however, I am now a morning person, getting up at 6:30 in the fucking AM. Suddenly, I am hungry to the point of being sick by the time a normal lunch period rolls around if I don’t eat a breakfast. This puts me in a dilemma. A potential three meal a day dilemma.

Strategies to try include the “snack on the way out the door,” or “Pop Tart” method, and the “stop being such an idiot and eat breakfast” method. But none of those really seem to be options that I’m happy with. It’s so hard for me to change my ways, and harder still for me to be okay with it. I’d rather it just be the same sort of thing I’ve been doing forever, where I have a big lunch to make up for breakfast, and then a small dinner, or vice versa.

But I dunno, I guess I’m all grown up and some shit, and I should just deal with it. I just hate bending my will to my stupid body that I hate. Rather it be on my terms.
Stupid body. Always needing food and sleep and being all wrong.

Same thing happened to me (almost 2 years ago) and I’m still trying to come up with a system that doesn’t involve me eating 3 meals a day! Best I’ve done so far is to eat some fruit in the morning have large lunch and then a small dinner…

I hate it though… I’ve tried just drinking water (lots) in the morning, until my stomach learns it won’t be fed until after 12, but I just feel crappy all morning. Bodies are stupid, so much for that whole “mind over matter” thing my parents, teachers, and role-models sold me as a youth

Comment by Jonathon Howard — September 11, 2009 @ 7:30 pm

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