July 26, 2009

Let’s focus on the positive.

Something was wrong.

The Melancho

…wait, I said I wasn’t that stupid. Okay then.

So here’s some things to be happy about, as opposed to being in an Endless Summer.

There’s a Scott Pilgrim downloadable Beat-em-up coming out around the release of the movie. I hope to god they do it justice, but hell, it’s kind of a perfect fit. It desperately needs to be 2D animated, though. If they do that, with O’Malley’s art style, I bet I’ll end up picking it up.

Thanks to Kale and my own Pepsi drinking habits, I’ve acquired over 100 dollars of free Wii Points. Okay, so this is mostly something for me to be happy about, but, you know. If you wanted to try something on Virtual Console at my house or something, I have tons of points. So, uh, I guess… potentially a group thing. Maybe.

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth has a firm American release date. Let the giddiness ensue! At least for me. I love this series with the heat of a thousand suns. I wish they’d do some sort of episodic model somehow, because that would still be COMPLETELY SWEET.

The Weezer 8-bit album came out, and it’s actually fairly completely awesome, and well worth a download. So many sound like some completely badass Mega Man level. I especially love the version of Hash Pipe. There’s vocals with 8-bit music done RIGHT.

Yeah, so… put a smile on. Be happy. Time never comes back once it’s gone! There’s so little summer left! Use it to smile!
(I am saying this to myself just as much as to any of you reading.)

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