July 10, 2009

Flava, Flava, for my People, People.

So I’ve been cleaning off my desk.
Sort of.

Mostly I’ve just been chewing all the gum that has been on my desk for months.

I’m actually unsure how this is really getting my desk cleaner, but at least it doesn’t have packs of gum on it anymore? I guess that’s nice. And I got to enjoy a “New Flavor Escape!” in the form of Maui Melon Mint gum. So that’s great.

I can’t really recommend Maui Melon Mint, though. It’s not bad, but man, when you have the options of Orbit’s Raspberry Mint or Citrus Mint, this just kind of pales in comparison. Also, why does everything have to be minty? I don’t really know. I bet they could design a gum that still made my mouth feel clean without putting mint in there.

It is also interesting to me how much the Mint contained within Maui Melon Mint clashes with the Mint in my toothpaste, as I attempted to brush my teeth the other day after chewing a bit of this gum, and it was a powerful and unfriendly clash of flavors within my mouth. If only all mints could live together, in harmony! That would be better.

Mixing Sour Pink Lemonade and Sour Apple on your snow cone, though, works rather well, though the Apple flavor totally beats the crap out of the Pink Lemonade. I shall have to go and get snow cones more often, perhaps.

But probably not a mint flavor. And certainly not “Wedding Cake.”

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