July 4, 2009

Obligatory Independence Day Post

This country is pretty okay, I suppose.

Like so many things, this country is run by some sort of system of government, which involves politics, none of with I can do anything even vaguely about. The wheels of it keep on turning, and sometimes I vote, I have even called up a congressperson once or twice, but it doesn’t particularly mean anything. It’s just kind of a suggestion that is easily ignored. I can do nothing, really, to affect this country, and as such, I can’t say I have any real strong claim to it. I certainly have nothing that even borders upon real patriotism.

Still, there are a lot of things that I hold near and dear. My home, my family, many rights that I would not have if I lived in other parts of the world. Would I be writing this stupid, stupid blog if I didn’t live in America? I don’t know. It becomes much less likely.

I don’t feel any real connection to America, and I think we don’t do a lot of things right. But I enjoy quite a bit of the freedoms and such that I’ve been given because I live here. I enjoy many things about living here.

So, you know. Happy Birthday, America. We’ll fire off some explosives that make pretty colors for you. Keep trying to improve.

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