May 10, 2009

Obligatory Mother’s Day Post

Well, it’s that time of year again. It’s the time to dust off our copies of the Mother series and dance in joy as we revel in the genius of Shigesato Itoi and his team of talented game makers…

Oh, wait, let me try that again…

Well, it is the day of mothers, a time to celebrate those of the female persuasion who raised us.
My mother and I don’t always get along. Not only for the obvious reasons of the not agreeing with the whole transsexual thing I have going on, but just in general. She respects my advice in dealing with her own life, but wouldn’t dream of the idea that I might have some idea of what I’m doing with my own. She commands me to be happy, she refuses to meet me in the middle on issues and get things done in a way we can both agree with, she drags me into her silly schemes to do labor for her enjoyment and hers alone…
But everyone has things they can’t stand about their mothers, I’m sure. It’s clear that my mother cares quite a bit about me, and I care quite a bit about her. Perhaps sometimes to my detriment, I care what she thinks. I do my best to be good in her eyes. She’s helped to give me a college education, a very comfortable life where I don’t have to worry about the little things…

I do love her. I love her quite a bit. And though we don’t always see eye to eye, I hope she knows that.
I hope living my life my own way won’t completely destroy our relationship.

But… yeah. Mother’s day. Go hug a mother. And have a good day in general.

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