May 1, 2009

Some might call it a failure. I call it… I dunno, some time I spent?

So, on Wednesday, it was finally time once again for a Hamster run. Hodgeman awaited! We were ready to murder in a very tedious and calculated way!

But, you know. Best-laid plans. Etc. Etc. Our Sauceror didn’t show up. You can’t get to Hodgeman without a Sauceror! What madness to think you could!
We started without him, hoping he could get into a position where he could show up late and just jump in. We raided, we killed, we pushed forward. Nothing. 2 hours later, he still wasn’t around. There were attempts to find a replacement, but they didn’t really go all that well. Someone offered, but was painfully slow and it was already almost 2 AM at this point. Eventually, we just decided to scrap it. So it goes, you know? Later reports show that he was without any sort of internet due to horrible annoyances from his internet company. So it wasn’t really anyone’s fault. Just a really horrible group of circumstances.

Val took it pretty hard. Seemed kinda down for wasting everyone’s time. But hell, nobody really thought that. We were all there as a team to help each other out. Just because she was the boss, and was ordering us around like a boss, well, that doesn’t mean it’s her fault. Shit happens.
The only reason I particularly care about our failure is because we need to finish these runs up! The school year is almost done and I would like to start ascending again. Still, I don’t particularly care one way or another. It’s all in good fun. I refuse to worry or anything.

We’ll get it. Yes. Yes, we will get it.

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