May 12, 2012

Knee Deep In This (Lack Of) Puzzle Shit: A New Day

Yeah, I walked with the dead, what of it? Spoilers, clearly.

Here’s what I knew about The Walking Dead before I played this game: it has the slow kind of zombies. The main character is a sheriff or something who was in a coma. They go live in a prison at some point. The TV show is different from the comic. It’s in Georgia. That’s it, really.

But, you know, I played it anyway, because everyone was raving about it and it was made by Famous and Video Games. So, you know.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it. It’s just always awesome to see a game be based pretty well completely around talking to people and conversing that makes everything feel so tense and important. When you’re just talking about people’s lives, the game makes that seem important. You feel like you’re bonding with people who you might have to rely on to save your ass later. When people start shouting, it’s way more scary than when the zombies are after you. It’s pretty great!

The way they put the action in there, kind of out of nowhere, does set you on edge though, in an awesome way. You very often are going OH SHIT OH SHIT! and you have to make aiming and stuff happen quickly. There was a “combat” scenario in the game I straight-up failed, and the game continued. The person I didn’t save was saved by someone else, and they’ll remember I fucking suck and can’t protect them. That is so fantastic.

It was a really compelling experience, and while I’m watching CJ play through it, and he’s making different choices, and it’s easy to see how they wrap some choices around to make the basic story work either way, now that I’m seeing it again, it does feel like I had a big impact. I love the percentages at the end. Apparently I made the unpopular choice in several situations, which is interesting to me. CJ and I have yet to make the same choice, too, which is also interesting. Indeed.

Anyway, there is one part that is bullshit. THAT FUCKING BRICK. There are so many way more sensible ways of getting that brick than the way you get it in the game. SO MANY. I WAS SO FUCKING MAD AT THAT BRICK. I wasted a ton of time trying to figure out what I was missing, and why I couldn’t pick it up, but it turns out there was no reason at all: you just can’t get it at that point, even though it’s right there and you know where tools are to get you to it. It’s absurd. Fucking brick.

I’m glad I spent my 5 bucks (to play it on 360 just to piss my two PC gamer boyfriends off. Also because I wanted to play it on 360) on the first episode and I will gladly buy the rest. It’s shaping up to be a good story! I hope it can keep it all up.

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