April 20, 2009

Assaulting the Ment Base: Complete!

I’ve defeated the basement.
Well, okay, I didn’t “beat” it. It doesn’t end. It just gets progressively harder. But I’ve gotten to the end of the rewards.

I started the basement a long time back. Once I had decided to stop ascending for awhile, and level up to level 30 to get the Scourge of Seals trophy, it just seemed like an easy thing to also swing down to Fernswarthy’s and pick me up a telescope. What could be simpler?

The basement was about the most frustrating thing I have ever encountered in Kingdom of Loathing. Oh man. It was tedious. It rarely felt like I was making much progress. Even at my highish level, it was fairly expensive to get down to level 500. Ugh. I hated it. I hated it so much that I could barely make myself stomach doing more than, say, 20 levels a day. Since I have no free time to play Vidjeo Games anymore (though hell, that does not stop me from continuing to purchase them!) and rarely even played those 20 turns, that made my progress… almost nothing for a long time.

This weekend, I noticed my odd work schedule. “I have two full days off,” I said to myself. “I should just power through and be done with that shit.”
And I did.
And all I got for it was a telescope.

Anyone who thinks I’m going to do this another, what, 6 times to get all the upgrades is a little off in the head.

For what it’s worth, when I did my dives, I went as deep as possible without buffs, and then usually went 30 floors a day afterward. Why 30? I used 3 of each elemental wad for their stat boosts. It was slow, but it usually avoided the soul-crushing pain of diving.

Of course, being a Sauceror made it a lot easier. Still, congrats on your telescope!

Comment by Cris — April 20, 2009 @ 12:49 am

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