April 17, 2009

IotD Review: Quickchange.

If there was one familiar I wish I would have been able to get in Kingdom of Loathing, it was the Doppleshifter. (If there was two? Probably the Wild Hare as well.) I’m just a fan of fun, basically. I don’t attempt to be very effective at the game when I play. I just enjoy fun, and dammit, cool randomness is kind of fun, you know? I wanted to be able to enjoy that randomness over the course of the casual-style runs I do. However, it’s a very old familar, and it’s prohibitively expensive to purchase. I couldn’t begin to justify it, so I just figured I’d never have one.
So when, on the Jick and Skully show, there was more and more and more talk about making a piece of familiar equipment that made a familiar work like a Doppleshifter? I was so excited. I had my fingers crossed that the idea wouldn’t get thrown away like so many other good ideas, and that they would actual impliment it.

On April 1st, they did! The Tiny Costume Wardrobe was introduced as something that will appear once a year from now on, on that day. And I snapped it right up. No hesitation.

I haven’t really got a chance to play with it yet. I look forward to playing through a whole run with it equipped to, say, The Land-Stander, my Pet Rock. But from what little I did, it seems to work completely as advertised. At the beginning of combat, it becomes something. At the end, it changes back. What more could I want? Nothing, really.
Of course, using it means I can’t use my Mayflower Bouquet or any +weight gear, which is unfortunate, but I’m willing to trade for that functionality. And if nothing else, it seems like it could have a barely minimal pretending to be optimal use, too. If, say, you want to level up your Jumpsuited Hound Dog, but don’t want the +combat? It still gets the experience when it’s got the Wardrobe equipped, and it’ll do something else. Again, though, that probably isn’t actually optimal at all, especially since the Bouquet could give them additional experience, but whatever. The idea of being able to level tower familiars while having fun with them instead of disliking them is kind of exciting.

But yeah, it’s just a straight up fun thing. You know if you’d enjoy such randomness in your game. I sure as hell will. I was very, very glad to pick that one up.

Welcome to the Dopple club! I recently did a 100% ‘Shifter run and it was a whole mess of fun. It’s horribly unoptimal, but you just can’t discount the fun of having a surprise every combat, and getting to see ancient familiars that you’ll never have (I’m looking at you, Emo Squid). Trust me, you’re going to absolutely LOVE it!

In fact, I’ll probably do it again with the wardrobe because it makes the ‘Shifter even heavier than the makeup kit does.

And nothing compares to the scream of pure terror you’ll let out when it turns into a Stabbat on day one. Or on form 2 of the Naughty Sorceress.

Or, of course, the whoop of joy when it decides to be a Sombrero on form 3, heh.

Comment by Cris — April 17, 2009 @ 2:32 am

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