March 31, 2009

Punch in, do a little war, punch out.

Dawn of War 2 is a rare game for me.

My normal game-playing habits basically revolve around something new and shiny coming out, and me playing it constantly until the next new and shiny thing comes out, and then I drop it like a rock.
This game just doesn’t work that way. I don’t want to ramble on about it too much, as I’m going to ramble the shit out of this game when I write an actual review. But basically, the single player is amazing, but I find it’s only amazing for, say, 2-3 missions. Just those few short-ish missions, and then I’m done. I save and quit out, and I can do other things. I sometimes will go “Oh, I forgot to check if Tarkus can equip that Flames of the Righteous in his Terminator armor” while I’m off playing other things, but I’ll just make a mental note to check it next time and not really want to get back into it.
The next day? I can’t fucking wait to put my time in. I think about it all day at school, and then I get home, and I’m right to it. 2-3 missions later, I’m off to some other thing.

This is one of the reasons why I continue to love the shit out of things like KoL and Twilight Heroes and stuff. I can’t wear myself out on them, really, because I can only play for so long a day. Dawn of War 2 is working like this for me, and yet, somehow, there aren’t those actual barriers that are making me do so. I just find myself not wanting to play. I don’t know how they do it, but I honestly applaud Relic for it.

I do think, however, that it working like that means I’m probably going to complete the campaign. Which is awesome. I feel like I’m a little over halfway done? Maybe a bit less. I’ve got a three-pronged objective set I need to complete in order to advance to what I assume is the endgame, and I have completed one prong, and have done one or two missions into both of the other two prongs. So yeah, I’m into it pretty far. Prong!

Anyway, I like Dawn of War 2. I’m playing it a lot, but not TOO much. The end.

[…] these RPG elements, combined with the short, not time consuming missions which I have already talked about, that really make me love the ever-loving crap out of this game. This is without having played the […]

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