January 14, 2012

Rapid Fire Ramblings: Work Is Stupid, Org Chart, Speaking Of Worry, People Are Awful.


I was at work, and Clint goes “Hey, I know you like hours, so here’s a shift I was about to post, would you like it before anyone else sees it?” and I said, “Yes! Thank you very much!” and took it. The next day, I get a message on my phone. “That shift you picked up yesterday was already taken by someone, so you don’t need to come in.” Which was annoying, but whatever. More free time before the semester starts is never bad. Today, I go in to work, and someone is trying to give away the EXACT SAME SHIFT I WAS TOLD I COULDN’T HAVE. So I took it. But it all feels really stupid. So I thought I’d share it.

There’s a thread on Talking Time where you’re supposed to post everything that’s changed in your life since you started posting there, so I posted that. It was a lot of shit! In any case, there was talk about relationships in there, and cool dude upupdowndown was like “Awesome things are going well, but man, you poly people need to come equipped with diagrams or flowcharts or something to keep things clear.”
So I made an Org Chart of my relationships and posted it because, you know, humor.
At the same time, after I did it, I’m like “Well, that is accurate. I hope everyone on it likes the way it is.” I think so, but, you know, I do so love to worry. WORRY.

There’s this sign at work that says “Do these two things and save 300 bucks on your health insurance premiums for the year.” And I’m like “Well, I could clearly use 300 dollars for doing basically nothing.” But one of the things I would need to do is get a health screening or something from a doctor. I don’t really have a general health doctor, much less someone that understands my situation. So now I’m convinced I should do this thing, but I’m worried about how fucking awkward that encounter will be, and if whoever does this examination is going to understand what’s up with me. That’ll be an “adventure”!

And going from mild awkwardness and annoyance to something way worse, have you seen this shit? This sort of thing is why I don’t read the news. Dammit, that pissed me off all day. This guy gets to basically publicly threaten many people’s lives for no reason, and will probably get away with it. What’s worse, he is an ELECTED OFFICIAL. This guy is helping to run our country. Why the hell are people with such hate anywhere near running anything? Why do people hate like that for absolutely no reason? It just… bleh.

I’m going to head to bed now. Not all people are awful! For example, you are pretty awesome. Just saying. Goodnight.

Well, technically the bigoted jackass is only helping run a state, not the country, but still. He’s certainly in a position he shouldn’t be and appears to be excessively hateful. I hope his constituents toss him out on his ear whenever he’s up for reelection. I’d hate for the district to be full of people who subscribe to that.

Comment by Cris — January 14, 2012 @ 1:19 am

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