December 18, 2011

Remember To Howl Each Time You Flip A Card.

Okay, so I guess I’ll write a little about the Magic draft, then get some sleep.

Last night, we drafted! Yay! About damn time! We gave Innistrad a try, with it’s stupid flip cards. From a victory perspective, the draft went very badly for me, as I lost a lot. Jonathan made a ridiculous 60 card rainbow mill himself deck that somehow worked fantastically. Essner drafted werewolves. Duh. But Spaeth’s fairly straightforward black deck ended up taking the whole draft.

Drafting this set, there just seemed to be an overwhelming number of completely garbage instants in this set. Just really terrible ones! It also felt like there was a lack of solid low-casting-cost creatures, but maybe we just got unlucky with the packs we opened.

I got a card I really liked. It was called Mikaeus, The Lunarch. That is a fun and powerful card, and I often paired him with this equipment that gave Hexproof, but he really didn’t go off as much as I would have liked. He was a bit too slow to get going for the draft, I suppose, and it’s always hard to keep a large number of creatures on the board in a draft because, in general, you’re more likely to trade to get rid of threats because you don’t have any other options to deal with those threats. Thus, he wasn’t as useful as he could have been.

Really, though, those stupid flip cards are the main thing here, and they just weren’t anywhere interesting enough to justify how fucking annoying they are to have in a deck. I mean, they were fine. I used some for easy beats and threats. I also got this planeswalker, and he was kind of a win button. But seriously, just… every time I shuffled the deck and saw those cards in there, it just frustrated me. I wanted to see all the card backs so I knew everything was okay. Bleh. It really was as stupid as I expected it to be. There were no surprises there.

Anyway, that was definitely a Magic set! It certainly isn’t going to get me back into playing Magic as much as I used to, but it was a fun diversion for an evening, to be sure.

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