December 13, 2011

Rapid Fire Ramblings: Update, Long Talk, Awkward Conversation, PSN Sucks

For some reason, before writing and posting this blog, I decided to update WordPress. Gods, that’s always a fucking stressful experience. I mean, I will hand it to WordPress: it’s been a long time since updating WordPress caused anything to explode. The automatic updates just work, and that’s nice. But goodness, I clicked that button, and then the horror of what I’d have to be doing to get this all up and running and a blog posted before bed just hit me, and I was waiting nervously for the update to finish. Again, nothing wrong happened, so good for it! But yeah. Whew.

After I got out of work tonight, I stood in the parking lot for about… 20 minutes? 30? I was listening to my co-worker talk about his family woes and all the problems he was having with them. He told me a lot of stuff about past dick moves his family had made and things of that sort. What seemed to have started this was that his family seemed to have scheduled Christmas when he couldn’t go because of work, and was expecting him to just call in or whatever, and this put him in a frustrating situation. A lot of what he was rambling about made me glad I have a relatively small family, to be sure. Scheduling is still an issue, but at least it’s not that much of a hassle. But mostly I was just glad I could be there for him. It just seemed like he didn’t often get to open up like this, probably because he is constantly trying to put up a “tough guy” barrier when, I dunno, he’s clearly a sensitive, really nice guy. I’ve somehow managed to be, for a long while now, unaffected by all that. I’m honored he wanted to open up to me, and after it was all over, he told me he felt a ton better, which made me smile. Least I could do, hon! I’ll listen any time.

Speaking of talks with people, I called my Grandma just to visit today, as well as thank them for letting me borrow the truck for stupid crazy plans I have going on next week. Anyway, that was nice: I don’t call her enough. However, during the whole thing, looking for things to talk about, I started discussing Brer moving down here and moving in with me. It’s about halfway through me talking about this that I realize that I’m not sure if my parents ever told my grandparents that I had a boyfriend. It was another one of those dumb things I had to “protect them from” for no fucking reason for so long. That silence is broken now, but I’m not sure if that subject was ever directly breached. Her reactions seemed to indicate it hadn’t been. I went on like nothing weird had happened, because nothing did. I was just telling her what’s going on. But I just worry, because she quieted up when she’s normally very talkative. Oh well. She knows now, either way. Not like she can stop him from becoming part of my life. Heh.

Kale wanted to buy me Corpse Party for Christmas because it was something I mentioned wanting, but the only way we could figure out how to do it was to buy me a PSN card and then just let me buy it with that. However, the entire process of doing this took like 4 to 5 hours spread over two days, because Sony and PSN Suuuuuuucks. First off, my PSP can’t see my wireless network in the house. Fuck if I know why. Even broadcasting just on Wireless B, it still can’t connect to it. So I go, sure, I’ll just buy it on the PS3 and sync it then. But then I had to update my PS3, of course. Then I had to find the game on the Playstation Store, which is just a terrible, terrible experience. Xbox isn’t perfect with that stuff, but goodness. I knew I wanted to buy Corpse Party and it still took forever to find it. Then I had to download it at a snail’s pace. It was half a gig, something that takes about 10 minutes to download when I’m, I dunno, grabbing an anime episode or something, but it took like half an hour. Then I tried to sync it, but whoops, I need to update my PSP. Of course, it wouldn’t just do that like I’d expect. It told me to connect my PSP wirelessly and download it. Which I can’t fucking do! Because it can’t see my network! Hurray! So I manually put the update on my card, updated THAT, then finally slowly synced THAT, and then I finally had my game. What a user friendly experience! It’s no wonder Xbox is my console of choice.

Anyway, I’m getting some sleep. More work tomorrow! Hip hip hurrah! Later!

Two reactions. First I really hope your grandma understands, mine didn’t. Bleh. But also >.> yeah even finding the price of Corpse Party on PSN was annoying BUT ^_^ Hopefully you are playing it and having fun now.

Comment by Kale — December 13, 2011 @ 5:06 am

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