December 5, 2011

A Braindump, Because A Blog Wouldn’t Happen Otherwise.

I am sitting here, shivering, though I am not cold. My dog is asleep under the blanket at my feet. I feel bad for him, because he responds to “Dog” much better than to his name, which makes me feel like a bad dogmom. Still, he likes me, and I like him. We played earlier. He made little happy yips as we ran up and down the hall. He’s a good dog.

I’m mostly thinking about how limited my taste in food is. For whatever reason I have been reading descriptions of food all night, and how fantastic it is. Much of it looks fantastic, but much of it looks like it involves many vegetables, which has never really been my thing. Always more of a carnivore. But as I try to think of what I could eat like that which I would like, I really fail at it. There’s very few “food adventures” I can go on, because I just don’t like so many things. I have the fucking worst kind of palette. I eat the same foods over and over again, and while I really don’t mind that, it’s moments like this that make me wonder if there wasn’t something better I could do. I really don’t know.
I flipped through the holiday cookbook at work, and most looked unappetizing or just obscenely time-consuming to make. I want something that has recipes like the silly but delicious Tater Tot Casserole my sister-in-law taught me to make. Something where you’re combining a bunch of pre-packaged items for excellent results. I really don’t know if those things exist. Also, how lame would I be for owning a cookbook like that?

I have so much to do tomorrow. So much to do. Gotta do that thing, and another thing, and I am also working. It feels like I am always working. It’s not true, but the way I could be working at any moment, at any time, really doesn’t help things. Maybe next semester will be better. I suppose I can hope.

I almost have my Christmas shopping done. My finances are doing very well. If I can afford my house payments in the middle of Christmas shopping, I feel like I’ve got this covered, but who knows. I’m making a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. More pills for me, hopefully. I may be screwed super quick. Life changes.

I shouldn’t worry.

I’m still shivering, and while my nose isn’t running any more, the way that I can’t, like, breathe very well really means I am probably sick. I bend over to pick up something at work and I just have to stop and gasp for awhile. I should make a second appointment for that. More to do.

I should take my dog to bed. I should rest. I haven’t really gotten any serious rest in awhile. At least my hands are healing. They don’t hurt near as bad anymore, which is nice. I’m glad I bought lotion.

I’ll sleep. Getting videos cued up on my iPad is kind of a pain, but it’ll do for now. I should curl up and disappear into bed. Maybe. At least for awhile. At least until tomorrow. Not forever. I’m past that point.

Pretty sure they have cookbooks like that, or at least things for simple meals. Hell, Rachel Ray has made an entire career on simple-n-quick meals. And being inhumanly perky.

Comment by Cris — December 5, 2011 @ 2:59 am

Most of my christmas presents to people will be cards, been all poor and stuff :p

^_^ Hand made of course.

Comment by Kale — December 5, 2011 @ 4:12 am

I own cookbooks like that. I’ll give you some recipes. Also, when a meal calls for veggies, you can usually substitute them for something you like or just omit them all together. Or you can leave the veggies in to get their flavor into the dish and then just not eat the veggie itself (sounds self-defeating, but I do it occassionally. It makes a big difference). Cooking is about making a dish yours! It’s fun and time to be creative!

Comment by Shauna — December 8, 2011 @ 12:28 am

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