December 3, 2011

Rapid Fire Ramblings: Bleeding Knuckles, Work Complaints, Stacks of Co-op Games, The Most Evil Puddle

It’s time again for another RAPID FIRE RAMBLINGS, the show were I talk about a lot of little things on my mind. Also, it’s not a show. It’s a blog post.

My knuckles have been bleeding. It’s ridiculous. I can’t move my fingers without my finger joints hurting, and there’s little breaks in the skin all over the backs of my hands. I really don’t know quite what I did wrong, but here’s my theory. My pills are making me use the bathroom a lot more than I used to. When I leave the bathroom, I wash my hands. This dries out my hands, and now that cold weather is here, it’s just gotten really terrible. I have bought some lotion to attempt to deal with this, but if you see my hands for awhile, uh, yeah, they look bad. It’s frustrating.

If there’s any wonder why I want to fix my work situation, it’s because of the silly crap like the last night or so, where, to get enough hours, I had to drive to St. Louis, drive back, immediately work until midnight, and then be back at work at 7 am the next day to work another eight hours. This, combined with me being passed over for promotions and being basically told the reason was me being overqualified? Well, that’s all pretty frustrating to me. I am frustrated at my job. Yep.

Recently, Gamefly has been having a lot of deals. I get a discount from them, too, being a long-time member, so it can get pretty cheap for older games! I’ve ended up buying a lot of mediocre games with split-screen co-op, like Hunted: The Demon’s Forge and F3AR. Why? I keep seeing them and thinking “Brer and I could have fun with that on the couch.” And I’m sure we will. I probably shouldn’t keep buying these things and planning like that, but I just can’t believe he’s going to be here in a month or so. Living here. With me. In a month. I want things to be fun. I want to have all the fun with him, as well as do all the things. We like video games. We should do them together. But yeah, maybe I should stop buying them… I have a stack of quite a few at this point.

There’s a small leak in the tubes leading to my washing machine. It’s not really a big deal. It makes the smallest little puddle after like… running it twice. But the location of that puddle is what is really annoying. You see, it is literally RIGHT IN FRONT OF the door to the dryer. I pull out some clothes, you know, to hang them or whatever, and a stray sock caught in the clothing will fall out and land right smack in the middle of that puddle. After I just dried it. That is frustration.

I am going to go to bed now, since I have to proctor a test in the morning. Goodnight. I’ll write something more substantial later.

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