November 23, 2011

Poetry Scribble: Probably About Saints Row Poetry!

Okay, so I know I said poetry was on Thursdays but I wanted to write an Obligatory Thanksgiving Post as I tend to in order to thank people for shit. So, you know, you get a poem today. Here you go!

The Finest Things

Look out of the car window
at the blur of the city.
Can you feel it?
There’s a certain speed
where you lose track
of how many splatters of blood
drip out behind you
with furious acceleration,
and start thinking about
the finer things in life.
Some people prefer wine,
selected from among many
and poured into glass
poured again and again.
Others prefer a fine dining experience
with fluttering cloth napkins
and an army of waiters
desperate to rid themselves
of course after course.

I, of course, prefer freedom.

It’s delicious,
looking at a wall,
and knowing that
it could no longer exist.
And if it no longer existed,
that it could,
masons struggling to build
fast enough to your expectations.
Someone is a someone
as fast as they are not
with the ringing snap
of my fingers.
I find a goal
and it is completed.
Conquests are a vapor
inhaled quickly,
and dealt with just the same.

This, my friend,
is life,
not screaming,
not surviving,
but being free
to knock down everything in your path
or go around it
and enjoy the view
at your own pace.

I like it.

Comment by Kale — November 23, 2011 @ 4:05 am

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