November 4, 2011

I Saw A Hodge Man.

Yesterday I said “Screw You Work And Potential Sickness!” and went out to St. Louis with my brother for a day of fun and excitement! Oh my!

Basically, John Hodgman was coming to St. Louis to tell us about the end of the world, as well as signing copies of his new book, so we had to go! And go we did! We traveled up the interstate! I saw my psychologist! But that’s not the interesting part! It happened, though.

Then we decided to go waste time at the Science Center, and man, was that a disappointment. I hadn’t really been there for-serious in a long while, and it was just amazing how much was not there anymore. So much of the place has been gutted, and it really seems like they haven’t replaced that stuff with anything as far as exhibits go. Instead they put in a Build-A-Bear workshop (what?) and more spaces for them to sell tickets to little things at astoundingly high prices. I have such good memories of that place, and it just feels like it’s gone way, way downhill from when it opened when I was a child. Maybe some of that is nostalgia, and maybe not, but it really just seemed sad.

We left that place of sadness and went to the Art Museum instead. Neither of us had really been there, but it was actually pretty cool! We went downstairs where there was some sort of furniture as well as gigantic broadsword and armor exhibit. There was some really cool shit down there! Crazy swords and spears, super ornate armor, and just really amazing pieces of furniture. They even had these weird tiny “sample rooms” where you could see some of this old furniture in it’s “natural habitat.” It was pretty classy, and really lifted our spirits after the sadness of the Science Center. I really should go back there sometime. We only got to see one tiny part of one floor.

Then it was off to Red Robin, for a burger. I tried a Peppercorn burger. It was fine. I could see someone else really enjoying it. But I found it a bit odd, if edible. What threw me off, I think, was it was served on this Onion Bun? Which was just strange, and left the whole thing tasting weird. The little crispy onions should have been enough onion, right? Anyway, it was an experiment! I tried something, which I rarely do, so good for me.

We then rushed to see Mr. Hodgman. He was fantastic in person. Very funny, and very animated. He quoted from his book from memory in a way that made you feel like it was a prepared speech, and not a book excerpt, which is pretty awesome. There was also music. He played a ukelele, and hosted a sing-along. It was totally worth my time to come see him: it was basically a little two-hour show.
Afterwards, of course, he signed books. I worried about what I was going to say, and worried, and worried. Then, of course, we get up there, and Jonathan says something witty and fun without even trying, and I just try to ride his coattails and not look like the lame sister of a cool dude. But still, he was very awesome, and I thanked him for coming to St. Louis, because who comes to Missouri anyway? But he just stopped me with a “No, seriously, thank you for coming. Really glad you could make it.” And whether it was sincere or not, it certainly sounded that way. He is a classy dude, that John Hodgman.

So we got our traditional QT milkshakes and came home. I had a great day, and I am now the owner of a signed copy of That Is All, which is awesome. And now I will sleep.

I love Mr. Hodgman, I really prefer his audio books though with him and Jonathon Culter singing. If you haven’t you should listen to them.

Comment by Kale — November 4, 2011 @ 7:48 pm

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