November 10, 2007

Why am I always Bravo Six? Why not a different number letter… thing…?

So I just got done playing like 3, 4 hours of Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer with the Talking Tyrants (I even used the little Clan Tag feature to put a little [TT] in front of my name, so our little sortabutnotreally clan is cool like all the cool kids online) and holy crap, man, that be some good gameplay.
The multiplayer has a lot of modes… your basic deathmatches which are awesome enough, for example… the class system makes them more interesting than normal, because you’re sort of playing your chosen guy. There’s a mode grabbed straight from Counterstrike which I actually ended up enjoying more than I thought… we were playing it in this 3v3 mode with a whole team of Tyrants against random people, and it was a really good time. We used teamwork and shit… and there’s this mode called Headquarters where you fight to capture this point… then the team that captured the point gets their spawns turned off, and has to hold it as long as possible, scoring points based on the time they hold it. Once it’s destroyed, it’s a scramble to the new point… and then there’s Old School mode, where everyone starts with a shitty gun and there’s guns and powerups spread all over the map… it’s a weird mix. But there is definitely plenty of variety in the multiplayer, more than I expected, and that’s a good thing, seeing as that’s most of the reason why I bought the game.
I tried to explain why I just like the Call of Duty feel to multiplayer shooters better previously in this post, and I think it still is fairly accurate. When you’re calm and skillful you win. When you’re not “on,” you die immediately so you can try again. There is no pointless constant struggle like you get in Halo. All the guns feel powerful. It’s great.
Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer is great.

As far as the Single Player goes, it’s pretty nice. I had a lot of fun playing through it, and although I didn’t pay much attention it seemed to have a pretty solid plot, too, which was neat. It is really painfully scripted, though, and it punishes you for playing it safe… there was a point in the game where I stayed back and sniped from this building… I’d clear the whole area… there’d be nobody… it was like everything was paused… my friends wouldn’t advance, everything just stopped… and when I walked out of the building, it was like someone pressed play. All the NPCs started moving and acting again, and a new wave of enemies appeared. It was weird… when it works, it works really well, but moments like that break the illusion.
Apparently Gabe doesn’t like the game because you can’t blind fire, and although I sorta get his point about it being a step backwards, do not let his words dissuade you! The game is good! Very good! Yes! Very good shooter! Having to step in front of a door to throw a grenade is not too bad when you have the healing powers of heavy breathing at your side.

Anyway, if you couldn’t tell, I’m really happy with my Call of Duty 4 purchase. If you’re on the 360 and want to play, definitely let me know.
I still need to talk about Rune Factory, but I want to get a little deeper into it first. I haven’t done TOO much that I wouldn’t do in a normal Harvest Moon game yet… what else do I need to say… um… I guess that’s it.

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