October 8, 2011

He Is Good At Swallowing Pills Without Water!

We bought my mother a Blu-Ray player for her birthday, so she could play a Blu-ray or two. We thought we’d give it a test drive! So a movie was rented. It was called Limitless.

It was pretty alright.

The whole movie is based on what seems to be a plot hole. Mr. Main Character, Eddie, ends up with all these pills. They are magic brain-improving pills. They come from a shady drug dealer man.
But really, though, there were a lot of those pills. Part of the plot seems to revolve around many successful people taking these pills. There had to be some huge something behind the making of these things: hell, at the end of the movie, it basically says as such. I just have trouble believing that nobody from that organization would step in the moment Eddie starts becoming a crazy overnight success. They would have tried to get him under their control, and they don’t. They apparently don’t give a shit what happens to their very precious resource after it falls out of their hands. That just seems weird to me, especially since they could be taking it, and thus have intense plans and whatnot.

If you let that sort of thing out of your mind and just enjoy it, though, it’s a pretty fun film! Seeing the kind of power the pill gives makes you want that sort of power, and seeing what kind of trouble it can get you into makes you not want that kind of power. Eddie is not unlikable, but he’s not really a complete hero either. It’s interesting in that regard. He doesn’t deserve to die, perse, but you don’t necessarily want him to succeed in what he’s doing because in a way, he hasn’t earned it. He’s abusing it to manipulate sex out of women, and so many other things that seem not okay. Yet, somehow, the movie works. I’m not sure how the writing pulled that off. Maybe it’s because the movie sets up, from the beginning, that he is going to get his comeuppance for what he’s doing. The ending removes that, though, so I dunno.

I really feel like the trailer misrepresented this film, though. It made it seem like it would be little guy vs Robert DeNiro, from what I recall. That was really not the case at all, though DeNiro did a fine job. I also expected a bit more action. There were a few chase and fight sequences, but it was mostly a lot of talking and inner monologue. It’s mostly a talking movie, with a few action-y bits. But not in the way that, I dunno, Inglourious Basterds is a talky movie?

It’s a strange film. If the premise is interesting to you, you will probably enjoy it. I did enjoy it, but looking back, it’s just such a weird mish-mash of stuff that I’m not sure how it worked as a full movie film. I’d probably have to watch it again to figure it out, and it wasn’t THAT good. But eh, it was an interesting distraction. The parents didn’t seem to hate it. That’s about all I asked from the movie.

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