February 26, 2009

Remedial Writing for Senior Writing Majors

So, I basically kind of hate all my classes this semester.

My night class is really awesome, and shall continue to be. One of my classes sucks for a good reason, so I can’t really hate it too much. The other two, though… there’s no real reason for them being as useless as they are. But they’re useless. And the reason is, mostly, my professor, Haskell.

Now, I can’t say that going to class is QUITE as useless as going to a class taught by Dr. Ramblin. He is at least mostly on topic, so that’s something. It’s close to as useless, and the problem is that his topics can normally be explained in one sentence, and yet he keeps going for the majority of the class, and then makes us split into groups to discuss it. It just makes me wonder why the hell I attend day after day. It’s extremely frustrating.

To top it all off, I’m in this Senior-level writing class for writing majors and minors with him, and he treats us like a freshman class so very often. We had a day discussing the difference between how to use a and an. He spends multiple days telling us what a personal essay is. It’s just… especially when he started the class with a “It’s so good to teach people who know about writing and are dedicated about writing!” it’s frustrating as hell. We know this stuff. I took this class to get to be able to understand how to break down someone’s style. We haven’t even talked much about that… it… ugh.

So yeah, that’s some off of my chest. I’m going to keep going, because Essner and his cool film student friends are there? And I’m going to keep going to my class with him in the morning because it’s slightly more focused. But geh, if you hear more about me being completely frustrated with this semester, this kind of stuff is why, okay?

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