September 18, 2011

As Always, Air Enemies Suck A Lot.

Bleh, alright, what’s on my list of things I should have already written about?
Sanctum? Alright.

There’s basically one downside to Sanctum. Getting co-op to work requires PC bullshit wizardry of ports and all kind of shit that’s just annoying. You can’t just join a game with your friends. It requires prep time. This is still a huge issue for me. I need to be able to invite a dude, have them join the game, and that’s it. Done. Game working. I know it’s an indie title, but fuck, they are hurting it’s potential usability big time with this old school bullshit.

Other than that, the game is great, especially in co-op.

It claims to be a first person tower defense game, and that’s totally what it is. You build towers, create mazes, and upgrade your weapons, and then let the monsters in. You have an assault rifle with a grenade launcher, a sniper rifle, and a “freeze gun” to slow enemies. None of these has ammo, but they have a cooldown. Use them a lot, and they heat up, and need to cool. You can teleport to teleport points you build on the map and attack enemies to help take them out. You can’t really be a one-person army. You’re just about as powerful as one turret, although you can be more pinpoint. But you can really help.

The game does some things great. If you’re playing a co-op game, and are trying to build a tower you don’t have enough money for, you can “hold down” the button until a friend comes over and picks up the rest of the tab for the build or upgrade. Mazing is extremely important, as well as upgrading your personal weapons. You really have to be able to strike a strong balance all around while playing. The game also has awesome Steam achievements to guide you towards various challenges you can do.

There were only four maps when I played, but they were all solid, and for tower defense, that can take you a long time. I certainly never cleared any of them in my time with the game, and I’m not terrible at tower defense or anything. But seriously, if the idea of a tower defense FPS sounds fun, you will like Sanctum. Pick it up for cheap sometime. It’s a solid indie game, and I’m glad I bought a four-pack and passed that shit around to people. Well, hey, I still have extra copies too, if you want one. Whee.

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