February 16, 2009

Besandaled no more.

So, my right ankle sucks.

For those not in the know, I walk funny. My right foot is almost always out at an angle, and as such, extra pressures are put on my right ankle. For years, I didn’t really care about this. I wore my sandals, and did whatever I wanted, and there was never any issues. It was wonderful times.

Sometime last year, I suppose, I started having problems with my ankle. If I spent a few days working in a row, when I was always on my feet, my ankle would hurt like a bitch. I would limp all of the next day. It sucked, but I just went with it anyway, despite complaints from others. Recently, though, it got to the point where I would limp for days afterward. I couldn’t ignore it.

I started wearing *shudder* shoes… with *shudder* socks.

There was an immediate improvement. Some support was all my ankle needed. I haven’t limped in weeks.

The solution itself, though, creates a problem. Now I’m one of the shoe-wearing populace. I haven’t worn shoes in literally years. I have no idea what shoes I like anymore. Everyone has a kind of style they gravitate towards, and I just have no idea. None. This kind of bothers me. I like to think I have a strong sense of something vaguely resembling style. I have no idea what kind of footwear it fits with. No idea at all.

Sometimes I have really lame problems.

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