September 6, 2011

Preparing Food Like Someone Who Can Turn On A Stove.

I cooked tonight. To various levels of what one can call “cooking.”

Well okay, so. I was driving home from St. Louis. I knew I had the house to myself so I’m like all “fuuuuuuck what I am going to get for dinner on the way home?” I couldn’t come up with anything that sounded good to me.

It was then that I realized a flaw in my logic. “What am I going to get?” is the wrong question. I am the sort of person who will soon own a house and live in that house and needs to not be eating out constantly and be more wise with money. The question should be “What can I make when I get home?” I nodded with this sound realization and brainstormed what I could make. When I got home, I executed on the plan.

Basically, I had a few chicken sammich patties left over, but no bread. So I decided to make some Rice-a-roni type stuff and chop up this chicken and then use a fork and eat that. I was a bit worried, as the chicken was breaded and that seemed odd to go over that sort of thing, but I shouldn’t have been, as it was fucking delicious and filling, though the fact that I love some Rice that has been Ronied probably helped with that. It was an ugly dish, though, as most things I cook turn out to be. (They also tend to turn out at least mostly edible and tasty, so I guess I can’t complain.) I would not have scored many points for plating on Iron Chef.

After I enjoyed that, I had enough left for another plate, so I made that up and stored it for tomorrow, as I believe you are supposed to do. (We’ve never been a family that’s big on leftovers, and when we did have them, usually Mom would take care of the eating of them, not me.) I cleaned up the kitchen and went to work. Adventure over.

The one thing that occurred to me was that the whole process really didn’t take very long. One of the reasons I never did much cooking for myself is that I always felt like cooking took forever, but as I think about it now, it probably would have taken just as long (maybe a little bit shorter, but not a lot) to run out and get something from a drive-through. Granted, I’m not about to pretend what I cooked is anything even remotely complicated in the least. Real cooking probably does take longer. But just cooking for me, this was great. I did the kitchen stuff and caught up on podcasts and it was really no big deal. I feel like this bodes well for me surviving out on my own.

But maybe I’m just making a bunch of stuff out of nothing because I am tired and I needed something to write about and that felt like the one thing of note I did today. You decide! Just remember I have a delicious lunch waiting for me in the fridge that I am totally going to eat tomorrow.

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