February 4, 2009

These cats are hard. core.

So a bit ago, Brer told me about this movie called Felidae. It looked like a Disney animated film, but it was all made in Germany, and based on a series of German detective novels. It was never released on DVD, or even outside of Germany, but a rare Laserdisc release of the film had an English dub on it, and, well, you know. With the power of the internet, it was findable. I was game, and we went about watching it.

This movie is mature stuff!

The first indication of this was quite early in the movie, when the main character, Felix, goes out and finds a dead cat. This isn’t too surprising, and you can’t see too much, but, you know, this isn’t what you would expect to see in a kid-oriented film. Soon, he meets some cats in the new neighborhood, who insult him by calling him gay… and then it gets more and more mature from there. There are extremely graphic and gore-filled deaths and evisceration, and plenty, plenty of talk about sex. Dead cats with their guts hanging out are used as marionettes. Felix kills things on camera in full view. Hell, there is even a SEX SCENE. It’s kind of amazing to watch. It makes you realize how censored so much of our stuff nowadays really is.
The movie isn’t perfect by any means. The dubbing is pretty god-awful, though if you were to look back at when it was probably dubbed, it was likely par for the course. The story itself also seems rushed to fit into the running time. Felix plays a detective role, but often we see him just pulling facts out of mid-air to move the plot along quicker, instead of seeing him actually work them out. There’s also a theme song at the beginning and ending of the film that rivals Soul Runnaz for worst adaptation of a plot into a song.
Still, I find it really hard not to like the movie. I’ve expressed before how much I, for whatever reason, crave childish things taken completely seriously and written well. The story underneath it all was a pretty damn good story, and the presentation just… it brings up those childish likes while appealing to that adult side of me. I ate it up. I would love to see more movies like this, definitely, and I certainly think this film is worth seeing, even with its flaws. It’s actually kind of a shame it isn’t on DVD somewhere. It would be a nice little movie to own.

[…] not been shy in talking about how much I love “childish done seriously.” (References: This one, and that one, and that one…) It is the sort of idea that I cannot get enough of, and […]

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