August 4, 2011

Summer Chrome Tab Cleansing

It’s time once again to clean out the ol’ tabs. A fresh start, with fresh tabs, will do us all a lot of good, don’t you think? Well, too bad, that’s what’s happening anyway.

First, let’s start with some comics that have vastly entertained me recently.
The last panel of this cracks me up every time. I think I might be slightly broken.
This particular comic kind of sums up everything about why Nedroid is one of the most wonderful things on the internet.
Romance on the job? It’s an idea with vast story potential.
I guess this is sort of a comic? It’s a diagram, at the very least, filled with important information about how to conduct business on the internet.

How about videos? I’ve got that too.
The more I watch this sketch, the funnier I find this discussion of one of the more pressing concerns in the restaurant industry.
It’s a Mega Man 4 Race! I was entertained, certainly.

Now I have two more links, without clear categories to put them in. Oh well.
So this is slash Retsuprae fan fiction. Finally, all your favorite Retsupraers will hook up. It’s about time.
Finally, here are more Harrison Fords than you can handle.

Always good to shake out the dust from those silly tabs, and make way for new ones! Actual content tomorrow, probably. Have a good day.

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