July 9, 2011

Rapid Fire Ramblings: WordPress Font, Fatigue, Trip, iDOLM@STER, Nichijou

I’m just going to write about stuff today, I think. Rapid Fire Go!

I recently updated my blog. You know, gotta keep it updated and safe, because I am the target of SO MANY HACKERS! Not really, but, you know. Might as well be safe instead of sorry. I update it, and it changes around how all the menus look on the back end that you all can’t see. For the most part, they’re nice little cosmetic changes, but the one thing that really gets to me is the fact that they changed the font in the “write a blog” box. You know, the one I’m typing in right now. It’s now sans serif. Which is just… why would they do that? It just makes it harder to read and proofread. I mean, it’s a nice enough font, but come on: I write so much bullshit, I need to be able to look it over. Anyway, I’m not a fan.
And then I look at my main page and realize that this is the font my blogs normally display in. Awkward. If I had any clue how to change that font, I probably would! It’s been awhile since I really fucked with the guts of this blog. Maybe I should do that sometime.

I’ve been taking hormones for awhile now, which is fantastic! My body still feels like it’s adjusting, though. Recently, I have been feeling incredible fatigue. Today, especially, I was just exhausted, all day. Not tired, just… worn out, you know? Like my arms were so tired it took effort to lift them. Maybe it’s the fact that I got little sleep and got up so early to work at Kohl’s. Maybe it’s the fact that I gave up soda and sweets, and that’s been raging hell on my body at the same time. I don’t know! I just know I’m tired, and going the fuck to bed after I finish writing this.

It is almost time for me to go and see Brer. I’m really nervous as fuck about the whole thing, though looking forward to it. I don’t feel very prepared or anything. I’ve been trying to scrounge up some audiobooks to listen to for the drive, and think about what all I want to bring so we have things to do, and so on. I also need to do a lot of poetry editing and rewriting before I leave, so I hope I am good and work on that like I should. I don’t know. I know in the end, it’ll be okay, and it’ll be worth it to go. I know it’ll be wonderful. But I’ve got so much invested in him, I’m scared something is going to get fucked up again. I don’t know. I’ll just do the best I can, I suppose.

I couldn’t help myself. I watched the first episode of The iDOLM@ster anime. I just had to know what they were doing. It was as terrible as I expected, but it also seemed really badly conceptualized. Like, the player character from the games, who is you, is in this show. Dialog just appears on the screen for you to say, like you picked it from a menu. All the characters talk at the camera like it was a character. But it’s also supposed to be a real camera, and also a film crew, but they don’t even pretend to make the shots look like an actual documentary crew could take them. (At least they pretend to do so most of the time on The Office.) Sometimes there’s camera wobble and movement, sometimes not. I just really don’t know what the person making the game was thinking. Probably something like “The iDOLM@STER is so popular and I am going to make so much money time to bang some shit out!” Something like that.

Nichijou, which I have been following and enjoying, has a new opening. It’s interesting, because in a lot of ways, this opening fits the show a ton better than the original. It’s energetic, and crazy, and the visuals are all the fuck over the place. The original opening had a “sitcom opening” moment in the middle with a title card, and almost looked like maybe it was a normal show, like a normal person would make. Which it isn’t, of course. It’s an interesting comparison. I also am surprised that Nano is going to the high school now, if only because it makes a level of narrative sense and creates coherence between episodes that I didn’t think the show would ever show!

Anyway, I am going to rest. Fuck yes. Later.

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