January 23, 2009

The Euches. Slap Them.

So, for the first time in a long time, I got to go Slap the Euches at Dustin’s. Playing Euchre used to be something we did quite, quite often, but now it’s kind of a nice rarity. I mean, I have all kinds of games I could be playing instead of this simple card game, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have a damn good time when we do it.

(We also played a little pool before I got in a Euchre game. Man, I did abysmal at that. It’s been even longer since I played pool, of course, but my shittiness was far beyond rusty. At least I was almost competent before the game was over. Geez.)

The thing about playing Euchre with Dustin is that… well… the man plays Euchre. He may be slow to pick up other games, but he knows Euchre backwards and forwards and backwards again and then forwards a little more. We play a hand, and then we spend minutes either talking about previous Euchre stories or much more in depth Euchre strategy that I would have ever envisioned existed before I started these games with Dustin. He discusses this card game like pro Magic players discuss deckbuilding. It’s kind of awesome and a little scary.
The result is that I really, really, really over-think myself when I play with Dustin a little. It makes me completely aware that there is always a correct move when I look at my hand, and when I’m thinking about calling, or whatever. Someone knows what I should be doing in this situation. So I stall for a little bit, and I also start asking questions after every hand where I was unsure, to figure out what I should have done. I take games seriously in general, and Dustin taking Euchre seriously (even though we’re just dicking around. If I make a wrong move, it’s not like anyone would be mad at me at all. Some friendly insulting, probably, but that would be it, and that could happen for… well… anything. Heh.) puts me in the mindset that I should. So I’ll try, for better or worse.

And then I do retarded shit like not going alone on 4 trump and a side ace, just because I didn’t know where the left was. Sigh.

Oh well.

Oh, wow. This takes me back. Went to college in Michigan, and you couldn’t get two people together without them looking for two more to play Euchre.

Comment by Cris — January 25, 2009 @ 4:20 am

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