January 25, 2009

Marle still doesn’t cast fire spells, game cover! Really!

So a little while back, I finally got into the remake of Chrono Trigger on the DS that I got for Christmas. Good news, everyone: The game is as wonderful as you remember. Or at least as I remember. If you’ve never played Chrono Trigger, grabbing the remake is a great idea. The new DS touchscreen controls should work great for anyone who’s never played it before and loved, say, the controls for Pokemon. (I loved using those controls in Pokemon, but I just can’t play this game like that. I’ve tried. It feels wrong. Still, I like that the option is there.) They also managed to get all of the PS1 anime cutscenes into the game, so you can now watch those without playing a version of the game that loads every few seconds! Huzzah! I haven’t gotten to the new optional dungeon, I admit, and all reports say it completely sucks, but still, overall, this is probably the definitive version of the game now.

However, the thing that really gets me about the game as I replay it is how little I remember about it. I always felt like I remembered quite a bit about the game, and I mean, I do. But my memories of the game are all slices. Little bits. I sort of remember the plot, I remember some key scenes, I remember what the sidequests are, but in general, I’m having to find out this stuff all over again and being pleasantly surprised by how awesome the plot is playing out.
For example, I seriously could not remember why you go back to 65,000,000 BC for a second time. I know you did, because as I got through the area the first time I didn’t have Ayla and there was still plot there I remembered. But I couildn’t, for the life of me, remember how the party got back there. When it happened, I was pleasantly suprised.
I was also greatly pleased with Crono’s trial. I remembered there WAS a trial, but I didn’t remember how interactive it was, and how much what you did at the fair affected it. Man, this game was just crazy well put together, you know?

For this run, though, I’ve decided to try to do things differently. I’ve been using Ayla. Out of all the characters in the game, she’s the one I’ve never really given a fair chance. So far, she seems as least as awesome as everyone else, which is great news. She just does massive, massive amounts of physical damage, and that’s effective against most enemies and bosses. If I do end up beating the game, I’ll probably keep using her all the way through.
I also plan to kill Magus this run, if I get that far. I’ve never done that either, so I figure that would be a bit of a different thing to try for once, eh? We’ll see how that goes.

But yeah, anyway… Chrono Trigger! Whoo!

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