June 24, 2011

The Purpose Of Bleg. Blerg. Blorg. Bloeg. Blog.

I’ve been thinking about why I write all this stuff on here. Ever since I linked it up to my twitter, way more people I care about have been reading my blog. Which is fine, and totally cool. Cool on you for actually taking an interest in my stupidity, person reading this. Yet for the past two days, things of depression have been the norm, and man, as much as I super-appreciate everyone who sent kind words of support (Again, you’re all much too nice to me. Thank you.) I don’t want to be a person who’s all whine whine for attention. Is that what I’m coming off as? I don’t know.

Anyway, all that going around in my head, I’ve been reading tons of manifestos on how education should be for a class, and I had the idea of writing down what the purpose of this blog is. So that’s what this is. Here we go.

1. This blog is me.
This website has been my internet home forever and ever. It’s where I’ve done stuff, and it’s got a place in my heart for that. I mean, come on: I own poetfox.com, and yet I still use this silly name. I love it. It’s always been my home on the internet, and as far as I’m concerned, will continue to be. It’s personal. As such, I’m just writing about what interests me, or has some relationship to me. I’m hoping people can read it, and enjoy it, but it’s very me-focused writing. It’s not going to be the sort of thing I shop around to put into magazines or something, and that’s fine. It’s just me. Here I am.

2. This blog is a diary.
Way back, when I started blogging first on OpenDiary, it was to write about my emotions. I bottled things up too much. I wouldn’t let myself feel depressed or angry or anything, because I “shouldn’t feel that way,” and then later it would all explode and I’d fall apart. So I started writing about it, as an outlet. Eventually I started throwing in little story snippets and all sorts of shit. Then I bought this domain, and after a brief time of it being something all my friends wrote stupid shit for, I just kind of took it over, and moved what I was doing on OpenDiary to here. It’s still that sort of stuff, even today. That’s why there are things like all those depressed angry rants. It’s always going to be a diary. I suppose that’s the nice thing about me posting daily, though. If it’s some moody bullshit you don’t want to read, just come back tomorrow. Not like I’ll mind in the least. Plus, I find it fascinating to do research through my old blogs. “I really thought that?” It’s amazing, at least for me.

3. This blog is a writing exercise and confidence-builder.
The moment I realized I could schedule posts, I started writing here every day, as an exercise to keep me writing something daily. I don’t claim what I write here is high art, or impressive journalism, or anything. It’s a diary, after all. But it keeps me writing, like a writer. I do some writing every day. At this point, that’s important to me. I fell asleep without blogging a few weeks ago, and when I woke up, I freaked out. It’s part of what makes me feel useful and part of the world. Even if all I put up is a bunch of links, I’ve accomplished something. I’ve kept the biggest project I ever undertook going. I plan to continue to do that for as long as I’m around to do it.

I guess that’s why I do this thing. So, you know, expect all that! I try to keep these categories working so you can only see my recent game posts and shit if you’re into that. The “reviews” are the more “things other people might want to browse” of what I write, though they’re still really personal and subjective, so, you know. But yeah. Blogs. Blogtastic Blogfest. This is what I’m doing. It continues on.

If you spent every day complaining about how “Jessica” totally checked out your man “Heathcliff” and you were, like, so totally frustrated that she would even try that after she totally caught chlamydia from that jock “Justin” which is so totally gross and stuff, then I would worry. But you don’t. I read your blog every day because you rock and are not in the least bit whiney. Freaking out over important things is fine because, you know, they’re important. :-)

Comment by Joshua de Vries — June 24, 2011 @ 2:18 am

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