January 12, 2009

The end of Attractive People

So, after finally beating my two RPGs from 2008 that I wanted to tackle, I finally got to turn my attention to the unfortunately overlooked last episode of Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People, 8-bit is Enough.
It was a fitting end to the series. I suppose Telltale thought that putting Trogdor in the last episode would be enough fan service to really excite people and make for a strong end. I can certainly see why they’d think that, and it’s certainly fun, but this was far from the best of the 5 episodes. Dangeresque 3 had fan service coming out of its ass and was a stronger episode overall. If they wanted to end on their best note that, to me, would have seemed like a better way to do it. But eh, like I said, it worked and it was fun.

The ending especially, with the revival of Strong Bad’s original concept art, was a genius move to those who follow every bit of Homestar Runner stuff like myself. That was probably the part of this episode that I enjoyed the most. Other than that, though, I can’t really think of any points that particularly stood out as funny or outstanding. It was all competent and all entertaining, but it just was, you know? In comparison, I can think of many points in Dangeresque 3 that really rocked my face, like the car chase, and Strong Bad covering for various bloopers in the set…

Still, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t get and play ALL of the episodes if you’re a fan of Strong Bad. They’re just great, funny stuff. Hell, if you’re a fan of Sam and Max, you could probably enjoy these too. I probably said all that already. But yeah, Telltale continues to do episodic gaming right, and they will continue to get my money. Here’s hoping that Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures comes out soon and is completely awesome, eh? It’s certainly the first IP Telltale has put with these episodic games that I had no real active knowledge of since the press release that they were making the game. Since then, of course, I went and watched Curse of the Wererabbit and it was pretty good, not to mention seemingly well-suited to Telltale’s gameplay style. So I can’t wait. Heh. Keep making awesome, Telltale!

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