January 8, 2009

IoTM Review: Okkusenman!! (Also, there’s an addendum at the end)

This one is a simple one, but I like it a lot.
The GigaGuy Cannon is this month’s offering in Twilight Heroes, and beyond it being a blatant MegaMan reference (which I missed for far, far too long. Take away my Talking Time license or something) it’s also a pretty solid ranged weapon. Well, certainly better than the King’s Boomerang, in any case. (Though that comparison really isn’t fair, I suppose, since the cannon cost about 3x as many stars at the boomerang.)
It does decent attack damage, even after equipping my new Grimm’s Bulwark, but again, that might be just because I’ve been used to seeing the shitty damage from the Longbow of the Law and the Shortbow of the Stick for months. And it comes with several MegaMan 2 style abilities or whatnot, which are always appreciated. I actually found that some of the weaknesses carry over, too, which surprised me. The “GigaGuy Rapid Boomerang” does extra damage to metal enemies. I added that to the wiki. Heh. Do the others deal extra damage to those who are weak against them? I dunno. It’ll take more testing. But I think that’s a pretty cool little thing to add.
The real benefit of this gun, though, is that it makes enemies drop restoratives. After battle, you have a strong chance of either getting a GigaGuy Pellet or a GigaGuy Capsule. These only heal a tiny bit, but they drop after almost every battle and they’re greatly appreciated. They’re probably going to be the real reason someone equips the cannon. Well, that, and I suppose if someone isn’t an Elementalist like me and needs a source of solid elemental damage.
In any case, the point is, I quite like this month’s offering.

However, I believe it’s important to make an addendum to a previous review. After I wrote that, Ryme modified the Recylonizer so that it causes enemies to sometimes drop hunks of scrap metal. This is an item which is only used to recyclonize. It doesn’t do anything else. This really increases the usefulness of the Recyclonizer. Before, it was normally more useful just to autosell stuff and buy restoratives and caffeine and whatnot instead of recylonizing. Which this, you get a few free shots every day, enough to, say, get you two Oil Can Coffees for your caffeine or just get some of the buffs with no downside. It makes the Recylonizer much, much more useful. I understand Ryme was worried about giving people what amounts to free chips every day, and I agree that that is still a concern with this solution, but it really helped to make this one useful, at least for me. So I appreciate the change.

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