December 30, 2008

Newsflash: Work fucking sucks.

Hey, here’s a bit of wisdom you probably don’t know: Work sucks.

Now, I’m not one of those people who complain constantly about work. I try not to be, anyway. I rather like working, in general. It lets me buy useless crap and it makes me feel useful, and I appreciate it for such things. Once I’m at work, I just do the job in front of me, and don’t worry about it. Me and work get along fine.
However, these last few days at work have just flat out sucked and been completely horrible. Overnight shifts coupled with shitty ad sets is enough to kill just about anyone’s enthusiasm. I mean, I’m glad I”m not working again until the new year, because fuck, these last few days at work have SUCKED. (Also, ha ha, not working until the new year only means I have two days off of work! Amazing!)

I really kind of dislike people who constantly complain about their work? Get a new job if it’s that bad, you know? Everyone has to work. I mean, everyone needs to get shit off of the chest sometimes, but if it’s so bad that’s all you can say about work, do something else, you know? I try not to complain like that really hard. Still, I’ve been complaining a lot more lately. Is it because work has just gotten that bad at this point? Or perhaps is it because Essner is so open about how shitty Kohl’s is that I feel it’s okay to bitch now that I have a third party to back my complaining up? I really don’t know.

But dammit, work has sucked SO BAD recently. Ugh.

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