March 5, 2011

1000th Bloeg.

This is my 1000th Bloeg since I moved to this new server and such.

Holy fuck.

I just had to say that. I mean, seriously, 1000 posts. If I were to take the time to look backwards, over what I have written, shit, I have books upon books of completely useless ramblings about video games and Gender-Identity-Disorder-related depression. That’s not even counting all the stuff at my old blog, which is still hanging around.

I often don’t feel like a writer because I “never write anything.” It never feels like it, anyway. Yet as Brer would be quick to tell me, and as is obvious by the fact that my number of posts is in the fucking quadruple digits, I am a writer. I write. Granted, not all of this stuff on this blog is the super best thing in the world, but honestly, that’s okay. It’s practice. It’s something. Plus, I only do my best thinking when I’m trying to encapsulate what I think into words, so it’s a great way for me to learn what the hell I actually think about various subjects. This blog is a great thing.

A totally great thing.

So I’m taking a day to celebrate this silly, silly project that’s still going after years and years. Thanks, Droid, for convincing me to buy this domain name and giving me server space for so long. Thanks, internet, for putting up with me. Thanks. I’ll keep going if you will.

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