December 14, 2010

Mediocre is the Only Appropriate Word.

Medal of Honor is hell of mediocre.

I mean, I don’t even know what to say about it, really. It was mostly a game of shootdudes or guyshoot, but was very, very vaguely based on reality. You play as these “tier one operatives” who have unlocked beards or something, and you play levels that seem very disconnected, very same-y, and are fairly uninteresting. Then the game kind of ends.

I have one rememberable moment in the game. There is a sequence where the game tells you lay down covering fire on a turmulent, and for the first time in game history, actually means it. You can’t just kill people. You actually have to cause a distraction for your teammates. That was pretty neat. Otherwise, I can’t really remember any moment in the game. Seriously.

Any variety in the game is kind of killed by the way the ammo system works. You can constantly ask your teammates for ammo, as long as you keep the guns you start with. This gives you 0 incentive to ever switch guns, which I found really frustrating, especially when the game gave me an LMG. I’m not an LMG sort. This system was pretty stupid. Sometimes they won’t give you ammo, and sometimes they will. It’s only if they perceive you need ammo. It’s dumb, and it keeps you from enjoying any sort of weapon variety, or from using the weapons you like most.

The game also likes to be really stupid with its objective markers. There was one time where I had an objective of “destroy an anti-air emplacement.” There’s the little symbol telling me where the objective is. Cool. It’s super far away, I can’t see, so I shoot at the objective marker, thinking the game would be sane. No, actually the emplacement is like, down and to the left a significant amount. I eventually squinted it out and found it after dying like 4 times. Way to be game! Way to be.

I mean, I guess I shot some dudes? I didn’t try the multiplayer because of the online pass bullshit, but the single player is really forgettable. If you really want to play through a shooter, play through something like Singularity first. Or CODBLOPS, since I’m sure that’s probably at least a bit more memorable. I don’t know. I can’t recommend Medal of Honor.

Yet I played all the way through it. I am so weird like that.

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