December 6, 2010

Wedding Aftermath

I only cried when I was walking in the back after the ceremony and hugging Jonathan and Shauna, so that was nice. I delivered my toast without issue, and the following copy of Bill and Ted with the wedding present went over as wonderfully as expected. We had a dance rave during the reception, complete with glowsticks. My sick Grandmother and my Grandfather were able to stay and see everything, and my other Grandmother got up and danced to AC/DC.

It was a fantastic wedding.

I’ve always been worried that I would hate this wedding. I worried that I’d be frustrated by my role in it. Not the “standing next to my brother and getting to say an awesome speech about how much I love him” part. I would not have given that up for ANYTHING. I wanted to be there. No, I was mostly worried about the constantly being called the “Best Man” part. “Where’s the Best Man?” “I need the Best Man,” etc etc. Bleh. I was worried that constantly hearing that would grate on me until I was having a super-shitty time of it all. I didn’t want to not have fun at this awesome celebration of adding another awesome member to our family. I did not want that.

Luckily, that wasn’t the case. All the “Best Mans” and “You look so handsomes” frustrated, sure, but fuck, the emotional level was so high, even they couldn’t ruin my day. Even they couldn’t get in between me and being so fucking happy for my brother. I was glad about that. I was glad that happened. I am so glad I survived without letting something so stupid potentially ruin everyone’s time. It went over perfectly, and it was excellent.

Now that this is happened, it’s a new beginning. One for Jonathan and Shauna, but also one for me. I no longer have to worry about ruining their special day, even if I never was. Now I can just go for it.
And I totally will.

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