November 4, 2010

Quest Log > To Do List

It seems really stupid, honestly, but I’ve been using Epic Win for a week or so, and it’s pretty amazing.

I’m really good at keeping things in my head. I always have been. I’ve never really had to keep much of a schedule or anything like that. As I got more and more into all this teaching and schooling stuff, though, I started to have to give myself loose guidelines. I used my phone’s calendar to point out when I had to be places. But I still never really connected up and attempted to keep a list of tasks. I still kept those in my head.

However, it was starting to become taxing, because to remember them, I’d have to go over them often. It sort of started to feel overwhelming in a way. I had heard of Epic Win, and I decided to splurge and try it. I liked the cut of its jib, so to speak, and I figured it might be useful.

I don’t know if it’s REALLY proved useful, but I’ll tell you one thing it has done. It’s made me feel like I’m getting shit done.

I often feel like I’m not accomplishing anything. Nothing is moving forward. I’m not doing anything. It can get downright frustrating, and contribute to generally horrible moods I find myself in. In reality, though, I do actually get a lot of shit done, and just listing it, and then completing those quests… it really makes me feel more productive. It’s a nice feeling. It’s something I rarely feel. Hell, take this blog post. I have a daily quest set to write a blog. Just checking it off on there when I finish writing this helps me to realize how much work I actually put into this silly thing. It’s a lot. It is significant, and it’s something to be proud of, even if it isn’t the most amazing blog in the world. It’s awesome to get to see that.

It’s also making me more productive as well. Or if not more productive, at least a bit less of a procrastinator, as I tend to set quest deadlines in empty spaces, spreading my various tasks out a bit more, instead of doing them all on one day. That’s another benefit.

Yeah, I really like Epic Win. I wish it had a bit more functionality. For example, I’d love to be able to link to my character, show off my stats and loot, and such. It also seems a little expensive, especially since they’re selling additional character classes as DLC. But hey, I’m getting things done and enjoying myself. I mean, I have a quest log now. That’s way more badass than a list of chores. I can get behind that.

Sounds like a fun idea. I don’t have a smart phone though so until then I’ll just stick with the Hipster PDA. I suppose I could draw a guy on the back and kit him out in armor as I cross things off the list. That way I’d be getting things done and practicing drawring at the same time!

Comment by Jonathon Howard — November 4, 2010 @ 12:17 pm

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