October 20, 2010

I Say, This Contradiction Reminds Me Of A Puzzle!

The best news ever has been announced, by the way. Figured I should blog and let you know.

Level 5 and Capcom are making Professor Layton x Phoenix Wright.

This may be the best thing ever.

It’s no secret I love both series to death. It’s a crazy-ass crossover that makes no sense, but now that I’ve heard about it, I want it so bad. SO BAD I WANT IT. It’s going to be fantastic.

Just think of the possibilities.

Really, this announcement just makes me wonder why the hell we don’t have more fantastic crossover stuff out in the gamespace. Why is it only Capcom willing to make these deals? I mean, it’s completely fanservice-y, but it knows it, and it’s going to rock in that regard. I mean, look! It’s classic Phoenix! Not hobo Phoenix! There’s screenshots of them apparently being against each other in a courtroom! There’ll be puzzles! What more could a fan of these series want? It’s easy to do, once you get the deal figured out, and both companies get benefit. It just seems like it would happen more often.

Alas, most companies want to keep all their toys to themselves. Besides, I dunno, stuff like Super Meat Boy, and some fighters, it’s not in the cards. But I’ll love my crazy-ass dream game of my dreams. You know, the one I’m going to buy a 3DS for. Because I will. I will be all over that shit, and it will be marvelous. I hope this game sells well, to inspire more such shenanigans.

(Also, I think I stole that title from somewhere, though I’m not sure. If it was your genius, thanks! It is genius.)

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